Truancy and academic performance is based to a large extent on the absence of an effective communication system between administration and parents/guardians.
SSMSS provides a direct means of communicating with parents/guardian.
The institution can use this service in the various ways mentioned below:
School SMS
One product, unlimited possibilities.
- Students performance mobile alert
- Educational news
- Fees dues(increment, arrears etc.) mobile alert to parents/guardian
- Normal or emergency mobile notice to parents/guardian
- Homework reminder mobile alert
- Examination fees and exam dates mobile reminder
- School re-opening and vacation dates reminder
- Sending important management decisions to employees
- P.T.A. meetings reminder
- Speech & Prize Giving day reminder
- Fund raising, sporting activities and excursions
- Registration date announcement
- Complete payment of fees acknowledgement
- Alerting parent/guardians of absenteeism
- Public Holidays alert
- Staff Meeting Alerts
- Policies of school concerning hair-do, dress-code etc reminder